Region 14 American Iris Society—Judges’ Training

Information on Judges’ Training

American Iris Society members residing in Region 14 who wish to participate in the Judges’ Training Program as a Candidate for Judgeship should contact email Alleah Haley, Judges’ Training Chair or phone 707-799-1422 or email Phyllis Wilburn, the RVP.

Complete and return the application for Judgeship Candidacy below to the Judges’ Training Chair. Printed guidelines and the requirements to become an AIS accredited judge will be provided to the candidate by the Judges’ Training Chair.

All training will be counted from August 1 to July 31. That is, 2014–15 credit will begin August 1, 2014 and be completed by July 31, 2015. If a candidate is inactive for three years, a new application will be required to begin the program again.


Application for Judge Candidate

Guidelines for Training and Accreditation of Judges

Instructor’s Report on Individual Training

Judges’ Activity Report

Judges’ Training Record

Region 14 Judges Roster 2019–2020

Judges Training 2020 Calendar

Judges Training schedules will be added when known.

  • Saturday, January 25, 2020
    Sydney B Mitchell Iris Society
    In conjunction with annual potluck
    Doors open at 11:00 A.M., lunch at 12:00
    Bring a dish to share, your own table service and service spoon
    Training at 1:30
    1 1/2 hour classroom credit—Color Patterns in Irises
    Given by Bryce Williamson
    Lakeside Park Garden Center
    666 Bellevue Ave
    Oakland, CA
    Contact Jean Richter regarding food and driving directions
  • Friday, February 18, 2020, 6:30 pm
    1 hour classroom credit—Louisiana Irises
    Given by Fred Parvin
    Las Vegas Iris Society
    5271 Via de Palma
    Las Vegas, NV
  • Sunday, March 8, 2020,
    Yosemite Iris Society
    In conjunction with monthly potluck meeting
    Doors open at 12:30 P.M., lunch at 1
    Everyone welcome to bring a dish to share
    Training at 2
    2 hour classroom credit—Awards & Ballots
    Given by Riley Probst
    Oakhurst Library—Community Room, behind Library
    49088 Civic Circle
    Oakhurst, CA
    RSVP Sandra Saelens,
  • Monday, March 9, 2020, 7:00 pm
    1 hour classroom credit—Classes of Bearded Irises
    Given by Kitty Loberg
    Santa Rosa Iris Society
    2050 Yulupa Ave
    Santa Rosa, CA
  • Saturday, April 11, 2020, 2:00 pm
    2 hour garden credit—Tall Bearded in the Garden
    Given by Dorlene Waite
    Las Vegas Iris Society
    5271 Via de Palma
    Las Vegas, NV